Bioeconomy in Europe: Between social expectations and economic possibilities

The German Journal of Agricultural Economics is launching a special edition issue and calls for papers focused on monitoring processes and future scenarios of the bioeconomy.

News Post - 11 Sep 2019

How will our future look like with the bioeconomy on our side?

The vision remains unclear as we approach the year 2050 – a time that is projected to go for the better or for the worse depending on our actions today.

The German Journal of Agricultural Economics is calling out for papers which look at the bioeconomy scenario in Europe through the following topics:

  • Conceptual and analytic frameworks for analysing the transformation of bioeconomy supply chains
  • Monitoring of production and material flows in bioeconomy supply chains – locally versus globally
  • Development and measurement of relevant indicators with respect to economic, social and environmental outcomes
  • Development of future scenarios for the bioeconomy
  • Outline of transition paths and their assessment
  • Integration of society in the transition process

These papers will illuminate governments and policy makers within and beyond Europe of our situation from today onwards thereby allowing them to act on policy decisions which will make the bioeconomy beneficial to the planet and to society.

Representatives of the BioMonitor consortium are guest editors of the release: Justus Wesseler (Wageningen University, coordinator of the BioMonitor project),  Myrna van Leeuwen (Wageningen Economic Research), Robert M’Barek (JRC), Petra Salamon (Thünen Institute), Sascha Weber (Thünen Institute).

Papers selected will be presented in September 2020 in release 03/2020 of the German Journal of Agricultural Economics, which will provide an overview of existing approaches with respect to monitoring, projections, future scenario analysis and impacts on bioeconomy supply chains.

Full papers for review must be submitted to Sascha Weber (e-mail: by December 31, 2019. Click here to get more information on the Special issue and its submission process.